By Martin Sharry
Live performance | Film | Essay
A film where someone is followed making a full circuit of an island off the west coast of Ireland.
One of his important texts is called Holzwege, which means a path which leads nowhere. To leave things open and radically inappropriable and then admitting that we haven’t really understood is much less satisfying, more frustrating and more necessary you know.
– Avital Ronnell on Martin Heidegger
An essay in pursuit of a subject, conscious of it being a text for performance as well as a stand alone piece of writing. It’s dynamic or drama generated from an awareness of that duality. Designed to avail of the context of the situation before making any argument for its existence.
A performer trying to be present.
These three elements constitute an event that is alive to the context of the situation.
Place: Cube, Project Arts Centre
Dates: 25 April
Times: 20:15
Tickets: €15/€12
(this performance is part of a DOUBLE BILL with “The Audition“, both performances are included in the ticket price)
Book your festival pass before 16th April and receive our real deal offer – See all 3 nights double bill for just €30 – Contact Project Arts Centre Box Office +353 1 8819613 to avail of this great offer