This is a multi-disciplinary research project that is looking at creating theatre from newspaper articles published on the 13th March 2012. The project is about exploring the recreation of reality, epistemology and how we understand historical time.

The justification for the showing is to take the right amount of time to digest one day’s worth of news, instead of the meager 24 hours that we typically take. On the 13th of March 2012 a bus in Switzerland crashed killing 22 Belgian children on their way home from a school tour. These are the news stories from that day.

Co-directors – Dick Walsh and James Moran
Cast – Shane Connolly, Aine ni Laoghaire, Eric O’Brien.
Choreography – Maria Nilsson Waller
Music – Brian Walsh
Social Media – Noelia Ruiz
Developed with – Cara Christie, Peter Duffy, Jason Gilroy, Sarah Kinlen, Michael Kunze, Geraldine McAlinden.

Please note this is a work-in-progress and a first outing for the work. Audiences will be invited to critically respond to the work as part of our Scratch programme and development of new work at Live Collision. 

This project has been supported by the Arts Council Ireland.

Place: Project Arts Centre, Cube
Date: Wed 19 Apr
Time: 8pm
Tickets: €10
