by Massive Owl

We Used To Wait by Massive Owl explores how online communication and technological advances have affected both, our experiences of, and relationship to time and each other. We Used To Wait seeks to give its audience an embodied experience through exploring and provoking questions of what is ‘live’ and what is ‘recorded’ and how these can both be experienced within a live performance space.

Company info:

Massive Owl are a Bristol based collaborative devised theatre company led by Artistic Leads: Danny Prosser and Sam Powell and working with Associate Artists: Harriet Quinn, Jack Jago, Jenny Duffy, Adrian Spring and Katharina Walsh. The company was formed by Adrian, Danny and Sam while studying together at Dartington College of Arts/University College Falmouth in 2009.


We Used To Wait has been developed with support from Arts Council England, Live Theatre, ARC Stockton Arts Centre and Theatre in the Mill, UK.

Place: Cube
Time: 8.15pm
Dates: 20 April 2013
Tickets: €12 / €10
(this performance is part of a double bill with ‘The woman who walks on Knives‘ both performances are included in this price)
