by Dickie Beau
Drag fabulist and lip synch maestro Dickie Beau has made his name channelling the voices of others, from Judy Garland and Marilyn Monroe to Francis Bacon and Kenneth Williams. Emerging from London’s drag scene, and shapeshifting his way across multiple disciplines, Dickie has taken the art of lip synching out of nightclubs and into hitherto uncharted territory. He was winner of Best Alternative Performer at the London Cabaret Awards 2012, received a Jardin d’Europe Contemporary Dance award in 2013, and was recipient of the Oxford Samuel Beckett Theatre Trust Award in 2014. In an animated live art lecture exclusive to Live Collision, Dickie takes an unheard of step to speak in his own voice and tell the story of how his love affair with found sound began; how it speaks not only to, but also for, him; and reveals how there is more to this lip synching lark than meets the eye…
Place: Cube, Project Arts Centre
Dates: 2 May
Times: 8.15pm
Tickets: €15/13
(this performance is part of a double bill with “STUD” and both performances are included in the ticket price)
There are a limited number of festival passes available that will grant you access to all 3 nights double bills for just €33. Contact Project Arts Centre Box Office on +353 1 8819 613 to avail of this offer.
Praise for Dickie Beau
‘Superb work… demonstrating astonishing technical competence and conceptual ambition.’ Guardian
More about Dickie Beau
Dickie Beau has recently built a reputation as a game changer in the world of performance. A pioneer of ‘playback’ performance and influencing a whole new generation of performance makers.
N.B. Dickie’s performance at Live Collision has previously been billed as a presentation of his solo show, ‘Blackouts: Twilight of the Idols’