By Veronica Dyas

A live performance

They say she holds the key to sovereignty in her person. I have marked mine on my body.
136-564*, all marked, somehow on their bodies too. Rituals to end cycles, markings to etch truths. Watching the raising of the bread I become a pilgrim, an unlikely pilgrim. Burst into tears, for that loss held in my body. The traumas too, the one, the two. She felt it all in her body before she knew. I walked across a county to learn how to be here, carried the weight of it, until I could let it go. Let it all go. This is my body. I see mySelf. Here & Now. J’essaie. I’ve been trying.

*Now 136,564 Residential Mortgages in Arrears of 90 days or more, Central Bank of Ireland 4th March 2014.

Place: Cube, Project Arts Centre
Dates: 24 April
Times: 20:15
Tickets: €15/€12
(this performance is part of a DOUBLE BILL with “When We Were Birds“, both performances are included in the ticket price)

Book your festival pass before 16th April and receive our real deal offer – See all 3 nights double bill for just €30 – Contact Project Arts Centre Box Office +353 1 8819613 to avail of this great offer