The Kindness of Strangers Workshop
Lisa McLoughlin
Workshop by Lisa McLoughlin with Prof. John McLoughlin exploring the lived equation of dependency & care, and the embodiment of this weight.
‘The kindness of strangers, looks to explore the mathematical equation of dependency in collaboration with Maths Professor John McLoughlin. As an artist, a mother, a carer, spouse, daughter and member of a rural community, I carry the weight of my three children, ageing parents and depend heavily on those around me to help me carry my responsibilities. This is the lived equation of dependency and care. This equation is usually gendered and heavily relies on women to carry this burden. I bring this equation back into my body, the body that does this work and ask for the help I need to carry this weight and place myself at the mercy of ‘the kindness of strangers’’.
A film screening of The Kindness of Strangers will be shown in the Foyer from 25-27 April.
A post-show talk will take place on 25 April.
This is very close to what I would say is the ultimate job of the artist. It is great to see so much thoughtful and engaged work curated over one evening, defiantly inclusive at a time when it is probably more easy to have an argument than a discussion.
DRAFF Magazine for the Autonomy Project 2018
Lisa McLoughlin has been a professional dancer for twenty years, toured extensively nationally and internationally and has worked many of the major Irish contemporary dance companies. Graduated from the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary dance in London, holds a first-class honours MA in Dance and in the third year of the arts practice PhD from the University of Limerick. Recipient of awards for choreography, performer and researcher of dance and the body and co-created the BA in Contemporary dance at UL. Recipient of multiple arts council awards, most recently, the designer of “The Autonomy Project, 2018” in collaboration with the Limerick Arts office, under the Invitation to collaboration award. Her work focuses on the body in society and the relationship between society and the individual.
Creator and Performer: Lisa McLoughlin
Mathematician and Collaborator: Professor John McLoughlin
Collaborator: Dr. Neil Kenny
Filmmaker: Jason Byrne
Sound and Lighting Designer: Adam Gibney
Producer: Lynnette Moran
Mentor: Amanda Coogan
Co-commissioned by Live Collision
Funded by Arts Council Ireland and Limerick City Council with support of The Galway Dance Project;, Galway; The Firkin Crane, Cork; Limerick Arts and Health Research Cluster, Limerick; Queens University, Belfast
Event Details:
Fringe Lab, Studio 9 Sycamore Street, Dublin 2
Festival Dates:
Fri 26 April 2019
Ticket price: