Initiated, Produced & Edited by Lynnette Moran.

Commissioned by Create, the national development agency for collaborative arts in social and community contexts. Supported by the Theatre Development Funding Scheme, Arts Council

The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack, is the first of its kind in Ireland. Launched in 2012, the Collaborative Arts Performance Pack is a limited edition artwork and a professional development resource; a tool to encourage the creation of performance making rooted in collaborative processes. Both as playful investigation and provocation, it seeks to raise questions about new methodologies in theatre/performance making and to encourage participation and reflection.

The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack is a ready-made kit containing all the elements needed to develop a lecture-based performance exploring the relationship between socially engaged practice and theatre. The Pack includes examples of national and international work with both practical and imaginative guides to dramaturgical approaches to collaborative performance making. It can be used as a resource, training tool or as an introduction to contemporary socially engaged performance practice aimed at theatre makers, performers, educationalists and academics.

The artists featured include Dylan Tighe, theatremaker and performer; Brokentalkers (also known as Feidlim Cannon and Gary Keegan), Louise Lowe of ANU Productions and Helene Hugel, Artistic Director of Helium, as well as international examples such as Rimini Protokoll, Clod Ensemble’s Performing Medicine, Young at Heart, Marina Abramovic, The Red Room and many more.

Initiated and Produced by Lynnette Moran, Create’s Research and Development Producer, and founder of Live Collision, and written by Peter Crawley Theatre Critic of the Irish Times and News Editor of Irish Theatre Magazine. Designed by David Darcy.

The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack is inspired by The Performance Pack, which was written and created by Joshua Sofaer and published by Live Art Development Agency with support from Tate and Arts Council England (2004).

Who is The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack for?

It is aimed at theatre makers, educationalists, academics and advocates as an introduction to contemporary socially engaged performance practice. For use in rehearsal space, lecture room or even, the office.

What’s the idea behind It?

The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack is intended as a provocation and inspiration to create new collaborative work in richly imaginative ways. We wanted to map the landscape of current contemporary collaborative practice in performance, putting a pin in the map of current methodologies and practices applied by contemporary makers. The Pack is not a definitively comprehensive guide but a set of suggestions, offering varying possibilities to suggest different approaches and fresh ways of working to its users.

Why has it been produced?

The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack was initiated and produced by Create’ s Research and Development Producer Lynnette Moran and written by theatre critic Peter Crawley. The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack is aimed at a diverse audience including those artists who already have an interest in contemporary collaborative arts practice and/or performance or those who have little knowledge of socially engaged practice and performance but want to know more about it. The Pack furnishes an introduction both to the ideas and the practice and the many ways in which contemporary artists and performers can use collaboration with non-professionals or communities of place or interest.

How do you use it?

The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack is ready-to-use and needs no prepping beforehand – simply follow the instructions and get going to create a performance lecture in style.

The Collaborative Arts Performance Pack uses a lecture based format and looks at new methodologies for theatre making with groups and non-professionals and other variations on collaborative processes. Each section of the lecture is explored with references to documentation of works of contemporary theatre making. At the end of each section the audience help the lecturer to create a hypothetical performance piece, by voting for one of a series of themed cards presented to them. Each user is invited to record the performance outcome as agreed by all participants in the logbook provided or online at #TCAPP.

Where can I get a copy?

Contact Create to enquire about booking arrangements and purchase.

ISBN 9781869895136