Your child could do better.
A little less chatter and experimentation would improve things enormously.
As would standing in the right line and using the right loos.
Your child has the potential to be an asset to the group but needs to learn to put things away and seems not to understand the consequences of failure.
Your child is like a cheap rubber ball – neither here nor there, neither this nor that, hard to control and causing problems, blurring lines and asking difficult bloody questions.
Please see me.
Shorty is a deconstructed drag-child, who frays at the edges and plays at the edges. And almost falls apart.
This show looks at the position of the non-binary child, and the relationship with the mind when the body is under attack. It champions the not-quite, the slight and the awkward. Shorty brings a spare change of clothes to most places, and usually has to use them.
Place: Project Arts Centre, Cube
Date: Thurs 20 Apr
Time: 8pm
Tickets: €16 / €14 concession
Credits: Created and performed by Hester Chillingworth. Shorty was the Chisenhale Dance Space (London) and Marlborough Theatre (Brighton) 2016 Small Spaces commission.
Hester Chillingworth makes performance work and low-key interventionist installations. The work often plays with language, simplicity, interpretation and some things about childhood, including mischief and confusion.
Hester is Thinker-in-Residence on Young People, Gender and Live Art at the Live Art Development Agency in London, Creative Producer (Participation & Engagement) for Forced Entertainment, and Artistic Director of GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN performance company.