Live Art Development Agency
In 2019, Live Art Development Agency (LADA) celebrates their 20th anniversary. A curated selection of work from the LADA Study Room will once again tour to Live Collision, representing topics such as feminism, sexuality, disability and race in relation to Live Art practices. This year we will host a selection of short reads from the Study Room to celebrate the evolution of Live Art and to mark LADA’s 20th anniversary and Live Collision’s 10th festival edition – with particular focus on issues of race, migration and displacement.
The presence of others ‘who see what we see and hear what we hear’ allows us to feel that our reality of both the world and ourselves is viable. Thereby, this gives courage and openness to push these thoughts to tough and complex edges, springing between ourselves individually and the group … I think what LADA has provided, so astutely, is the space for a nuanced mix of voices, whose forays, sometimes extreme, into imagined realities, can come together in a loose association and can thus be perceived, be acknowledged, be effectual, be potent. This then creates a rippling, way beyond the group.
Anne Bean,
Event Details:
Live Collision International Festival, Dublin IRE
Foyer, Project Arts Centre
Festival Dates:
Wed 24 – Sat 27 April 2019
Ticket price:
A curated selection of short reads available to all.