
Felicity presents Pseudaria, a hot-blooded performance-in-progress: part-reading, part-gig. A musical road-movie about love, loss and representation. Interrogating how and why we tell stories. Followed by a conversation with the audience. Developed as part of a work-in-development residency with Live Collision.

Watch out for the Pseudaria process portfolio and field recordings on livecollision.com


Felicity are a performance company based in Dublin. We make aggressively present, emotionally intense theatre and music. We think theatre should be a fun, extraordinary, one-of-a-kind conversation with you. We tell stories that speak for themselves, and stage the unstageable.


Created by Felicity in collaboration with Live Collision. First presented as part of BITE SCRATCH 2017. Special thanks to Lynnette, Niamh and Carla!