BITE SIZE // SCRATCH is a ‘curated’ fast and furious look at the current new blood / next generation artists who are making dynamic new work in Ireland. Irish artists and companies have limited opportunities to *Scratch live work, and Irish audiences have limited opportunities to engage in live processes ahead of final works. Therefore, Live Collision has curated a selection of companies to present as part of BITE SIZE // SCRATCH.
We are excited to see this work sit alongside the rich and varied programme of the festival which is a truly intergenerational programme of live work across disciplines. And a festival programme that evidences artists practice both before and after ‘shows’ happen. Live Collision audiences are critically engaged and we look forward to welcoming them to this new work.
Featured artists will include StefanFae and Lady K, Vickey Curtis, and Game Theory.
Space: Cube, Project Arts Centre
Duration: 1hr
Festival Dates: Thur 26 April 2018
Start time: 9pm
Ticket Price: €10/€8 concession
Live Collision Bundle Offer: See one headline show and one work in progress on the same night for a reduced price. Bite Size // Scratch is in a bundle with The Comforter – see both shows in the one night for just €22 (€18 Concession)!
OVERFIRED – StefanFae and Lady K
Like those guys with guitars they’ve been watching in bars, StefanFae and LadyK have been stomping their feet to a different beat. They’ve been poked and stoked and left scorch marks on your living room carpet. So gird your loins for a roclicking dash and grab of steamy musical delights and polemics so hot you’ll think Twink’s answering machine message sounds like Sharon Ní Bheoláin on the six one. Batten down the hashtags there chikin, the revolution won’t happen on your newsfeed. The revolution will be… OVERFIRED
Oíche Mhaith – Vickey Curtis
It was one of those nights in Dublin where no one knew what to do so everyone did everything, and Dame streets dripping in threat.
A twisted twenty minute walk home turns nasty when three women, sick of the show us your tits, and the stupid bitches, call a stranger out for using his rapey language towards them.
OICHE MHAITH is a poem, we want to turn it into an audio and visual experience, taking it from the page to the stage. Bringing the audience on the staggered journey home from a night out in the city centre.
This piece lives in an era of METOO. It is calling out the street harassment that is rife and getting worse. It needs to be exposed and it needs to stop.
OICHE MHAITH is a gay bashing in post YES EQUALITY Ireland.
OICHE MHAITH is raw, it’s a fact women face and fear walking home after a night out.
Welcome To The Memory Palace – Game Theory
The Internet would like a word with you.
The Memory Palace is a museum of everything that has ever happened, from racist Twitter bots to steam-powered Victorian computers. Part meditation, part song cycle, part cabinet of wonders, it’s the story of how we got to now, and of what comes next.
Inspired by museum audio tours, Douglas Hofstadters’s Gödel, Escher, Bach and the BBC’s A History of the World in 100 Objects, it’s about how small, simple things like bytes, neurons and musical notes can come together to make big, complicated things like minds and music and the Internet.
Combining theatre, storytelling and live music into a radically new form of live documentary, it offers our audience and opportunity to wonder more deeply about the nature of the digital present.