BITE SIZE // SCRATCH is a ‘curated’ fast and furious look at the current new blood / next generation artists who are making dynamic new work in Ireland. Irish artists and companies have limited opportunities to *Scratch live work, and Irish audiences have limited opportunities to engage in live processes ahead of final works. Therefore, Live Collision has curated a selection of companies to present as part of BITE SIZE // SCRATCH.

We are excited to see this work sit alongside the rich and varied programme of the festival which is a truly intergenerational programme of live work across disciplines, and a festival programme that evidences artists practice both before and after ‘shows’ happen. Live Collision audiences are critically engaged and we look forward to welcoming them to this new work.

Artists: Felicity // Sian Ni Mhuiri and Vicki Sutherland // Ann Marie and Helena O’Connor

Place: Project Arts Centre, Cube
Date: Thurs 20 Apr
Time: 9.30pm
Tickets: €10



present The Tattooing Series

Vicki Sutherland is a ceramic artist and Sian Ni Mhuiri, her daughter, is a recovering performance artist, with a lot of bad tattoos.  Four years ago, Vicki Sutherland and Sian Ni Mhuiri began a collaborative journey together combining both of their art forms into an expansive eight-part project. The first instalment of this series, Tattooing – The Smoke, was performed in 2012 before a live audience at The Chelsea Theatre, London, and in it, Sian received her first hand tattoo from her mother.  They’re planning the second performance, and they want your help in navigating this public display of love, violence, and memory-making. Part-ritual performance, part-ceramic installation, The Tattooing Series explores how relationship, story and the transient moments that define a life can be immortalised in skin and in clay.

Devised by Sian Ni Mhuiri and Vicki Sutherland
Designed by Vicki Sutherland
Originally developed with the support of the Chelsea Theatre Early Career Artist Development Scheme

Vicki Sutherland is a New Zealand/Irish ceramic artist, based in Dublin. Working primarily in porcelain, Vicki regularly uses the naked raku firing method to achieve a marble-like finish to her unglazed sculptures. Vicki is interested in memory and forensic, identifying traces left behind in the natural world. Her current work is inspired by beach-combing years ago with her father, collecting fern fossils – plants encased in volcanic ash during the Jurassic era and gradually turned into stone. Vicki obtained a Higher Diploma in Fine Arts from Bray Institute of Further Education in 2011. She has exhibited with the Royal Hibernian Academy 2015, RDS National Craft Awards (2016, 2015, 2014), Mill Cove Irish Ceramic Awards Exhibition (2016, 2015), ‘Shibui’ at the NAG Gallery (2015). Signal Arts Centre (2015, 2012), Sculpture in Context at the National Botanic Gardens, Dublin (2016, 2014), and in several Ceramics Ireland juried exhibitions.  

Sian Ní Mhuirí is a writer, director and performer based in Dublin.  A graduate of the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, she founded Super Paua in 2013 – a company that makes socially-focused theatre for children and teenagers. Previous writing credits include award-winning children’s play Aunty Ben, and which toured Ireland and the UK in 2014-15, and 16 & Rising, developed with support of the Arts Council Ireland and the Abbey Theatre. Sian was recently awarded the RAK Mason Fellowship by the New Zealand Pacific Studios, to be their community writer in residence for late 2017. Sian performs her writing on the spoken word circuit in Dublin, and recently performed in Oisin McKenna’s Gays Against The Free State! (Fringe, 2016). She began her professional career as live artist, performing collaborative tattoo-performances such as Secrets of a Strange Art (Flare Festival, 2011) and Tattooing – The Smoke (London, 2012).

present Pseudaria

Pseudaria is a musical road-movie about mourning, memory and mathematics. It’s a pop-opera for three performers, and tells the story of a woman on the run from mediocrity. One April Fool’s Day-morning, she walks out on her fiancé without warning, and goes south to rekindle a romance with her first love, a down-and-out maths teacher. Never to reach him, she is arrested for assaulting someone in a 7/11 along the way, and her family have her sectioned. Join us, in asking, “what could have happened?” What should have? An intimate experiment based on a true story; I love you more than the tongue can tell.

Felicity are a performance company based in Dublin. We make aggressively present, emotionally intense theatre and music. We think theatre should be a fun, extraordinary and one-of-a-kind conversation with you.We tell stories that speak for themselves, and stage the unstageable. We risk vulnerability, bristle with sincerity, and take direct action. Our projects sweat, ridicule and surprise. We cook theatrical amphetamine. Watch this space.

Leonard Buckley – Creator/composer
Colm Summers –  Creator/director/MAN II
Michael Stone – Producer
Colm Gleeson – Deviser/MAN I
Caitlin Scott – Deviser/WOMAN
Honi Cooke – Associate Director/Company Manager
Briony Morgan – Dramaturg/Lighting Designer
Annachiara Vispi – Costume Designer
Richard Durning – Sound Designer
Nolwenn Davies – Photographer/Marketing Image

present Jesus, You’d think he’d shake it for me – a multimedia performance piece with video, song and text

J, YTHSIF me, is a work in progress inspired by random nuggets of advice from our mothers, sometimes these nuggets are not advice at all, they are just thunder, because as my mother once said, “YOU MUST LISTEN TO THUNDER.”

Written and performed by Ann-Marie O’Connor & Helena O’Connor with Jennifer Laverty.

Ann-Marie O’Connor studied interior design, fashion design and screen acting at CIT, Cork, Central St. Martins, London and Bow Street Academy, Dublin. Ann-Marie began writing and performing her own work on her MA in Irish Theatre, in NUIG, Galway in 2014 during that year she also interned with Pan Pan.

Helena O’Connor works in video installation, drawing, performance and filmmaking, her work is informed by literature from the gothic classics to the text message. From Mary Shelly to Wonder Woman. Helena O’Connor studied stone carving, performance art and screenwriting at Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork, NCAD, and at The National Film School, IADT, Dublin.

Jennifer Laverty is a founding member of Mouth on Fire theatre company, where she performed in Silence and Darkness: Beckett x 4, Tyranny in Beckett, and Before Vanishing. She studied at Gaiety School, Dublin and is off to Stella Adler, NYC this summer. Her TV and film credits include Love/Hate & Love Rosie. She is very good at accents.


Scratch was invented at Battersea Arts Centre 16 years ago. Scratch is a way for artists to share ideas and unfinished shows with audiences at an early stage and to get feedback. Battersea Arts Centre’s Scratch events derive from a rich history of experimentation and audience collaboration.

In January 2000, then Artistic Director of BAC Tom Morris (now Artistic Director of Bristol Old Vic) and BAC Development Producer David Jubb (now Artistic Director of BAC) programmed and presented the first BAC Scratch Night.

From that, the principles of showing work to the public before it was finished and trying to find out how the work should grow from that experience became part of the general practice at BAC.

Live Collision’s Festival Director, Lynnette Moran cut-her-teeth at BAC under the leadership of David Jubb (as Artistic Director). Becoming one of a new breed of ‘Creative Producers’, a term founded by Jubb, of which this small group of trainee’s formed the first iteration of the role defining its meaning and establishing the role it would play in future art making. From this moment forward the priority of artists presenting work early in the pieces development, and audiences meeting that work with a critical role to play, has been a vital part of the programme priorities of Live Collision.

Kazuko Hohki (Artist) was the person who aptly named this platform idea Scratch.