by Peter McMaster


Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Brian Jones all died aged 27.

As Peter McMaster reaches 27 he contemplates this age of change, using autobiography and ritual to explore this tipping point between life and death.

Two performers push themselves towards bodily extremes, towards danger and potential ends. Embracing moments of physical excess, 27 turns the threat of untimely death into a vibrant celebration of being.

Praise for Peter McMaster

“Honest, inventive and beautifully choreographed” – The Guardian

More about Peter McMaster

Peter McMaster is on the rise, someone to witness just before he goes catastrophic. As an experimental performance practitioner working in response to both internal and external environments Peter’s work tends to uphold an emotional and immersive sensitivity while at the same time aiming to disrupt and challenge social and cultural normativity. His current work concerns concepts and practices surrounding gender and masculinity, wildness/wildlessness, spirituality within an arts context and the celebration of nature(s).

Place: Cube, Project Arts Centre
Dates: 1 May
Times: 8.15pm
Tickets: €15/13

(this performance is part of a double bill with “Workshy” and both performances are included in the ticket price)

Peter McMaster will host an artist workshop on Thur 30 April – limited places – details here.


There are a limited number of festival passes available that will grant you access to all 3 nights double bills for just €33. Contact Project Arts Centre Box Office on +353 1 8819 613 to avail of this offer.