by Jesse Jones
The Office of Public Works and The Convention Centre Dublin have commissioned Irish artist Jesse Jones, to realise The Prosperity Project, a significant public art commission for The Convention Centre Dublin (CCD), a landmark building in Dublin’s Docklands area.
Lead artist Jesse Jones is working programmatically in collaboration with associate artists and thinkers, both nationally and internationally, to realise The Prosperity Project as a ‘durational conference’ spanning over a nine month period inclusive of live performances and a series of research ventilations.
The Prosperity Project will culminate in a permanent artwork by Jesse Jones, installed on the third floor of The Convention Centre Dublin (CCD) at the entrance to the auditorium.
Idea behind the project
Artist Jesse Jones has carefully conceived the work around ideas of social relations, interconnectedness and knowledge exchange. Jesse wants to kick start a debate on ‘relational prosperity’ – examining with sophistication and complexity ideas about social bonds and connections between people. She places value on the social encounter and The Prosperity Project will be a nine month long exploration of the richness of social bonds as a resource as well as placing notions of prosperity within broader global and historical trends.
The Prosperity Project is supported by Office of Public Works (OPW) & The Convention Centre Dublin (The CCD) under Per Cent for Art Scheme; Producer Lynnette Moran. Additional support & management: Create.
More information
For more information and regular updates join – The Prosperity Project Facebook or visit Create’s website.