Friday 26th April

Welcome Town

A personal walk with Natasha Davis - mixing facts, performative episodes, recollections and fantasy into a conversation about resilient towns and their migrant identities.

The Kindness of Strangers Workshop

An exciting collaboration between Dancer & performer Lisa McLoughlin and mathematician Professor John McLoughlin, creating an equation of care and dependency exploring our interdependence as a species.

For now we see through a mirror, darkly

A dance performance about the connection between what we see and what we believe including a mystical voice-over, which describes and interprets that which is present but cannot be seen. 

The Factory Line

An exploration of women’s stories working in Dublin Factories in the 1960’s. The women who left school at 13 - girls who became women overnight.


Representing topics such as feminism, sexuality, disability and race in relation to Live Art practices. 

ADMIN work in progress

Oisín moved to London to pursue his dream of becoming socially mobile. Now, he is having an existential crisis in a Pret A Manger toilet, trying to remember his mindfulness techniques.


As part of her research into becoming a bona fide post-racial, global citizen Sonia Hughes wants to find out what it would be like if she was from Dublin. 

SPICEBAG: XXXtra Portion Karaoke

Your friendly neighbourhood SPICEBAG bring you a very special ORT party (but is it ORT?) Get ready!! Lash into that curry sauce, wet your whistle and doe, ray, me…a dedicated night of musical silliness