LiveConversations #1 Curated by Xavier de Sousa and Sally Rose

Provocations from Lynnette Moran, Phoebe Patey-Ferguson & Xavier de Sousa

Topics of Discussion:

What is the importance of LiveCollision in Dublin, and festivals more widely?

What are the advantages for local cultural development and engagement? 

What benefits does it provide to local artists and producers, locally and internationally?


Four clips from the conversation below, which came from the provocations of the invited speakers and also discussion from the group:

  1. Historical context and provocation on the radical potential of festivals

Phoebe Patey-Ferguson explains how the concept of an international festival has grown and its recent history. Her provocation reflects that a lot of literature around Festivals suggests the binary that festivals are purely commercial endeavours, or a more ‘hippy’ focussed music festival, but she suggests that the radical nature of the festival context can go way beyond this – especially in relation to live art and performance.

Phoebe is undertaking a PHD on International Festivals at Goldsmiths University, London.

  1. Beyond local, audience development

Jenny Duffy, Nick Anderson, Lynnette Moran, Xavier de Sousa, Phoebe Patey-Ferguson

These parts of the discussion covers the idea of the Festival as a way of connecting both locally and more globally, through engagement with audiences or people who want to engage with the type of work presented by the individual festival – but also considering the ethical responsibility and exciting ability of festivals to offer an inclusive short term space for anyone to be part of.

  1. The beginnings of Live Collision and Live Art in Dublin

Lynnette Moran, Artistic Director and founder of Live Collision, explains her motivations, challenges and the journey of establishing the festival – and encouraging a dialogue around live art within the cultural landscape of Dublin.

  1. The Context of Festivals as Artist and Community development places

Nick Anderson, Lynnette Moran, Xavier de Sousa, Phoebe Patey-Ferguson

Exploring the work that festival directors undertake with artists to ensure their work is presented in the right context, and to provide a safe site for artists to establish a temporary community and develop meaningful connections.