by Ciara McKeon
NB: The duration of Unaccompanied is approximately 60 minutes (35-40 minutes in journey time by DublinBus to deAppendix, Ardagh Grove, Blackrock, Dublin, during which you are invited to listen to the audio portion of the artwork, followed by a live one-to-one performance of 20-25 minutes).
When ‘home’ is a feeling more than a place that can be returned to, how do we cope when we are disconnected from it? Unaccompanied is a one-on-one performance in deAppendix studio, which is co-located with a GP surgery in the suburbs, Ardagh Grove, Blackrock, Dublin. Appointments are available during regular surgery hours only.
Beginning in the city, you will be given an audio file to listen to over the course of your journey by DublinBus to the performance, which you must make alone. Unaccompanied is an intimate performance and a confidential exchange that offers space to empower audiences. By the end you will know what you need to be at home.
Instructions: Meet at the 145 / 46A bus stop on D’olier Street where you will be given your mp3 and travel ticket. After the performance, you must return these items to the festival representative in the city.
Note: if you wish to make alternative travel arrangements to the live one-on-one performance, please make sure you communicate this when booking your appointment. Or if you are not confident in finding your way to the meeting point then arrive at Project Arts Centre 15 minutes early, please request this when booking your appointment.
Place: Offsite
Dates: 29 April – 01 May
Times: 10am, 10.30am, 11am, 11.30am
Tickets: €8 – limited tickets available
See you now
See you now is a studio performance that considers expansive distance & proximity, journeys we make alone, and togetherness.
Place: Project Arts Centre
Dates: Sat 02 May
Times: 4pm
Tickets: Free (no booking necessary)
More about Ciara McKeon
Ciara McKeon is an artist and curator whose practice focuses on live performance art. She has exhibited and performed internationally, most recently in //BUZZCUT//, Mind Your Step, First Fortnight and SPILL festival of performance. Improvisation and collaboration are integral to her practice and research. She is a member of pre form and Bbeyond, Belfast. Recent works have looked in particular at embodied shame, home and migrant mental-health. She co-curates Unit 1, an independent artist run platform which supports the development of performance art in Ireland through exhibition of new work, symposia and archival projects.